Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Welcome to the Book Review Page

Dear Friends:

Welcome to my new book reviews page, "Book Reviews by a Canadian Churchman." As many of my readers will know, I spent a number of years as a bookseller and continue to read and recommend titles of interest to those around me. On this page I intend to review about one book per month. While many of the books reviewed will be of a religious, theological, or ecclesiastical nature, I have a wide-ranging interests and will occasionally review non-religious titles. People often ask me for recommendations in certain areas, and I hope to use this page to offer such suggestions, as well. At present, I will generally limit my reviews to Canadian publications and Canadian authors.

As with my mainpage and sermons page, I invite your comments and responses. Please feel free to submit them and I will post them upon receipt.

The Rev. Daniel F. Graves